Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Making A Realistic Budget

Budgeting for every family is different. We have tried many different types of budgeting and only one has really worked for us - cash system/envelope.

With the cash system you can see how much you have and only that amount. Once it is gone, it's gone. 

When you use your debit card you say, "Well, I just need a gallon of milk, that isn't much." Those little purchases really add up during the month. That was something I did in the past - not anymore! 

Before you start a budget, talk to your spouse. That is key. Even though Clay (hubby) doesn't have anything to do with the budget money, he still likes to know what is going on. We always have those types of talks at night when we are laying down. I am positive we aren't the only ones, right?!

Having a budget on a real food diet is a must! Another important thing about a real food diet is making almost all of your food from scratch. Saves the budget and weird chemical ingredients. 

Some just buy prepackaged items that are organic and they make a a huge dent on their budget and wallets. Also, purchasing prepackaged organic items do not mean you are completely avoiding strange ingredients. Some even have ingredients you cannot pronounce. Gross. 

Having a budget and sticking to it is vital for a real food, clean diet. 

Have a quick look into what our budget looks like. 

We have many different categories within our cash system/envelope: fall/winter preserving, spring garden supplies, food, gas, and bulk. 

The fall/winter preserving, spring garden supplies, and bulk are funds we contribute to each month. Each month depending on each paycheck, I decide how much will go into each fund.

An example of how we use the funds from fall/winter preserving are...if strawberries go on sale for a great price, then I will buy 50 pounds or more. At that price that would destroy my regular grocery budget because I am buying to preserve. 

Which ever way works for your family is great - just stick with it!

How do you budget?

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